Home » Pizza Chalet Covina » Have you seen my lunch pail?

Have you seen my lunch pail?

Have you seen my lunch pail?

The back to school season is a busy time, adjusting to changing schedules and new activities. One of those is the age-old question – what is for lunch? If you’re tired of the same old thing, Buckboard BBQ and Pizza Chalet has you covered.

When schedules are rushed and lunches are last minute, our hassle free catering party paks can save the day…or at least save the office lunch break! Whether you need it delivered, or you are swinging by to take it to go, our party paks can feed your whole team with plenty to spare! (***call in advance for delivery or for individual order delivery use your favorite delivery app)

So whether the bell rings at lunch time, or closer to 5:00pm, Buckboard BBQ & Pizza Chalet  has the solution! Call us today at 626-974-9991 or 626-915-5879 or order online at www.buckboardcatering.com !


Buckboard BBQ & Catering and Pizza Chalet

626-974-9991 or 626-915-5879

